If you are like me, you are ALWAYS looking for ways to stay organized! I like to use planners in every area of my life, but especially when it comes to practice.

It’s just something about getting those thoughts down on paper. Helps me to stay on task and tackle lofty goals!

These two planners can be used weekly or even daily. Feel free to print out and put in a binder – or just use now and again, as needed. You can list your goals and accomplishments of the week, questions for your private teacher, or even inspiration to keep you going!

The first planner is more universal, to give you flexibility to write down thoughts and specific weekly plans.

The second has spaces for specific exercises and pieces – for focused work in the areas of tone, technique, sight-reading, and repertoire. It also has spaces for those ever-gratifying checkmarks!

These planners can be especially helpful for teachers to share with students. They help to keep lesson notes, plans, and goals for the week organized.

Download your free practice planners here and here! Enjoy!

p.s. For more practice ideas and inspiration, explore and follow my “Practice Makes Perfect” board on Pinterest!


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